Heading to Burgos

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After 3 nights in Madrid, Im now heading to Burgos. Tomorrow I will meet Carmen, an evangelical pastor. I got her name from Saray, a girl I meet last time when I was in Burgos. Have no idea what tomorrow will bring, but I’m sure God will amaze me in one way or another.

My days in Madrid was fruitful.
But I didn’t have time to write and update the blog as I would have liked. I guess I must realize that I should prioritize what’s happening around me, rather than sitting with my iPhone typing letters.

A summarize of day two and three in Madrid:
Day 2: I began the day with a longer conversation with Klaudia from Germany at Toc Hostel where we both stayed.
“The Walk in Madrid” video was edited and uploaded to YouTube.
German contacted me and we went out on the streets of Madrid and evangelized. Our last stop was at Parc Espanyol where we wanted to take a rest. Sergio from Sao Paolo sat next to us, and we started talking. We finished our 1,5 hour conversation with a salvation prayer to the Lord. Sergio stretched out his hands, asking Jesus into his life! The whole situation was amazing and I probably should write that down later in more detail. Sergio was such an open minded guy, and my new friend German from Ukraine really has the Holy Spirit burning.
Finished the day by eating at a Mexican restaurant.
Day 3: Started to talk with Marian, my new room mate. He had also woken up to what was going on in this world. He didn’t believe the Bible was from God, he thinks it’s written by man not inspired by the Holy Spirit. Well he actually had many opinions since he is a guy that thinks. We went out and just outside the hostel we met 80 year old Ed from the US. While we were talking about his bad hip, he got that tingeling sensation from the Holy Spirit, in the area were he had pain. Before I even started to pray for him!
And before we left he felt that sensation again!
I left to meet Sori and German in a park to evangelize.
Well many things happens when you go out. Three younger guys at three separate occasions felt the Holy Spirit.
On my way home I met a Bulgarian family. The couple was true believers in Christ, the daughter a buddist. I think God led me to them so I should witness to the daughter.
Back at my hotel, I lead my new room mate from Valladolid to Christ. He said he felt so excited. Keep close to Jesus bro!
And before I sleepes James entered the room and sat down in from if my bed, saying he feel empty in side, a hole in his spirit and that the Christian religion was the best. He didn’t even know I’m a hardcore believer. That was so unreal! He had been out drinking and other people were trying to sleep in the room, so we said we talk tomorrow. Day 4: The next day he was not keen to talk about this “Jesus religion”.
But he said he have evangelical friends. Keep praying for him! I told him time is short and he can’t wait forever.
Stepped out the hostel and took a stroll, occasionally talking to people. A young Jewish guy from Switzerland said he wanted to know Jesus. What can I say, things happen when you walk with Jesus. But remember not all seed fall on the good soil.
Met some muslims from Germany. If Jesus was a prophet I said, what message from God did he have? Muslims can’t answer that question because the “prophet Isa” didn’t have much to say in the Koran.
Jesus and Isa are not the same person as many muslims try to argue.
Went back to hostel and grabbed my pack and went to the bus station. That trip in the Metro took a whole hour including buying a ticket. Beware that signs are all on spanish and not always there to guide you.
When I bought the ticket at the machine, a guy asked me for money for a bus to Bilbao. That was Josef from Bulgaria. I gave him money for the bus ticket as he asked for, but I really should have given him more! As the good Samaritan who took the sick man to a house and paid for all his expenses. Have to remember that next time. I gave him the number to Leo in Bilbao, whom I recently got to know. Coincidence? Not. Bilbao of all places, I don’t know people in Spain, except in Burgos and Madrid.
On the bus I talked to Raul a photographer, who was the very same guy who told me I forget one of the bags in front of the ticket machines, and here he was on the very same bus. He is going to walk the Camino also, with 25 kg of camera equipment, doing some work for his media company. Will we meet again on the Camino?

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