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Yesterday I arrived to Burgos from Madrid. The day was sunny, a clear blue sky and temperature was around 25C (nights are still chilly in the north). It was a 3 hour drive and on the bus, I wrote yesterday’s post and I talked to Ralph.
Just outside the bus station I met a german couple. The guy had a bandage around his left knee. I asked if I could pray for his healing. He said he is not a believer in Jesus.
Nowadays many people are into new age religion without them even knowing it. He was hesitant in me praying for him, which I understand. He said his belief is that he is a good person and that’s what’s counts. This is a lie from Satan and if thinking you are a good person is whats counts, you will be deceived according to Jesus.
Little does he realize that he also is a sinner; a thief, an idolater and a lier. Sounds harsh to say, but that’s the reality. I’m also a lier and a thief, but now I’m more aware of my true nature. And that the consequence of sins, and the punishment, is a death sentence.
We can only try to avoid sin as much as possible, still we will fall short. That’s why we need God’s own sacrifice in Jesus Christ.
On the last hour, the Roman authority in Pilatus, traded the place of a murderer, Barabbas (Mat 27:17) and replaced with Jesus Christ, God Himself. And the propheties and the scriptures were going to be fulfilled. It was to be finished at the cross.
Jesus were put to public shame and to be cursed, hanging on a tree (the cross).
But he was innocent. So by his righteous blood he paid for our crimes. He willingly traded places with us. Because we are all murderers and thieves, justly deserving to hang on that middle cross on the Cavalry, between two thieves.
God so loved the world that he sent His only begotten Son to die for all, and He died personally for you.
God is a just Judge, and Holy. He can’t allow any corruption or sin to enter the Holy Place. His Kingdom and Court are righteous.
Important: read what impartation means:
I arrived to the albergue after 7 pm, about a 10 minutes walk from the bus station. I asked God, I’ve been here twice before but why can’t I find the hostel? What’s the purpose?
Behind the cathedral I saw a spanish man with his arm in a resting position. He told me he had an operation. I asked if I could pray but unfortunately many Roman Catholics, for the most of the time, are unwilling to be prayed for. It’s like they believe, due to the Roman church traditions, that prayer is not something you do face to face with strangers. It’s something you only do in private or with a Roman priest. I don’t blame others, and I can understand if the might believe I belong to a sect, or that they are hesitant to who am I to ask. But, I say but, if they would have read the Bible they should known what Jesus told us to do. Read Marcus 13 amongst all other instructions to spread the Gospel, the Good News.
Just around the corner I met Diedrich from the US with his three friends. One had pain in a knee, but she was also unwilling to have a prayer of healing. But Diedrich said yes. It turned out he was a born again Christian like me ;-)! He said that he prays for his friends (usually that means he prays in private for them to find Jesus, but we know it’s actually Jesus who finds you. Jesus is knocking on the door to your heart, you only need to open, which can difficult sometimes and for some people).
Diedrich if you read this, you also got my flyer, keep on praying with patience for your friends breakthrough. Prayer is so powerful even if we not might see the results (fruits) immediately.
Fresh orange juice and sandwich at cafe Miranda; 3,70€
At the municipal albergue I was told I got the 5th last bed of about 150. Was a little worried that at this hour and time of year (May), I might have to go searching for a place to sleep. So it was a relief to get a bed late in the evening.
The price was 5€ and I got the top bed of a bunk (two story bed) on the sixth floor. Beneath my bed were an Italian woman. In the morning she prayed and we talked a little and I gave her my flyer.
Also on this floor was Giacome from Italy. He showed interest in what I had to say about the Gospel. He told me he started to read the Bible, and pointed to the one he brought with him 😉
I told him he need the Holy Spirit to better understand. The next morning I put my hand on his shoulder and prayed that Jesus will help him. And gave him my email as well as a contact person from TLR in Italy.
I guess I prayed for healing for about five more people. The numbers are insignificant, it’s just so you get the picture; many people get injuries or pain in some way or another, while walking 20-30 km a day.
Fred, a German guy said the next morning that his knee felt much better. Always nice to hear appreciation and that healing is taking place.
Healing is when something’s in your body heals faster with prayer than what the body itself manage to heal.
Sometimes an instant healing takes place and sometimes it takes minutes, hours or days. Healing can also means when some sickness leave the body. Healing means restoring to it’s natural state.
Miracle in my viewpoint is when something happens what is not suppose to happen. Like when there shouldn’t be no recovery process to speak of. Or if the doctors says the only treatment is operation. A cronical state or disease. Like when a blind man with no possibility to see, suddenly can see.
But you can say a fast and instant healing is a miracle in its self. A gift from our good Father of mercy.
The next day we had to leave the building at 8 am, which is the common rule at the pilgrims hostels. Oh, and yesterday I was almost locked out! I forget that the hostels for pilgrims closes early. I left my favorite cafe Miranda (Calle de Vitoria) and half ways back home I realized that the clock was already 10:15 pm. I began to run some.
But the door was still open – I made it 8 minutes before they locked the door.