Final countdown

Views: 257

So many things do to before this trip. Last evening and night, I was occupied for many hours with the functionality on my blog. Its driven by WordPress, and in the theme twenty seventeen (design and layot) someone thought it was a good idea to hide the Sidebar on my Pages.
Meaning when you visit the top links on my site, under the top photo, you cant find the menu bar to the left. And you will have difficulties navigating and find my recent Posts. I hope I can sort this out this afternoon. Thanks to Bharat Karavadra at who informed me, and thanks to Binero who hosts my site and help me get going.
Update: Thanks to Joachim Jensen in Denmark, my menu works as it should. He answered me quickly and he had created a tiny plugin called Page Sidebar for Twenty Seventeen, which does all the work.

What is to be fixed before I leave? Everything that makes me have a peace of mind for a month. Things that is better to solve at home, rather than when Im on the go. Then some quiet time to mediate on whats ahead. We never walk along so I need to listen to what the Lord might have to say. That is for tomorrow, today its a long to-do-list.

On the photo below you can see what I packed the last time I went hiking. Packing is the easy task this time  since I have everything already. This time though, on this trip, I hope to update my new blog every day. And Im also bringing my DJI Osmo Mobile, which is kind of a selfiestick. That gimbal limits the shakiness that occurs when you film with a mobile, specially while walking. It can also make motion time lapses, something I havent tried yet since its brand new.

Things to bring in your back pack for el Camino

Today I also managed to upload some photos from my previous 2 weeks on el Camino. Then I walked from St Jean Pied de Port close to the city Biarritz, located on the french side of the mountain area of the Pyrenees, and stopped at the village of Castrojeriz, west of the city Burgos. That section was about 330 km.
Click on the photo below with the the curious pig and my bag, and you will move to the Photo page with more photos.

Back pack el Camino

Im so glad I found it

Views: 628

Today I found a gem on the el Camino route. Or at least I hope so.

“Pilgrim House is a faith based non-profit in Santiago de Compostela for the sole purpose of serving pilgrims. The Welcome Center was borne out of a desire to offer a place for the wandering heart and searching soul.”

When I walked for two weeks in October 2016, I didnt experience any albergues (hostals) where Jesus Christ was the Head. Meaning where people sat down together and sang or shared the Word or were in prayers worshiping the Lord.
In the year 2017 a pilgrimage is for many people, if not the most, something of a private “spiritual” (a new age inner journey) or pleasure.
My experience is also that the catholics are more restricted than charismatic evangelists (protestants).
Its offensive to talk about God and Jesus today, even for so called christians.
Well in Granon there were some catholic volunteers (hospitaleros) where they sang one hymn, and then we all said “the Lords prayer”.
That albergues is called Albergue parroquial San Juan Bautista and they are located in the bell tower of the church. Its a place where many pilgrims look back with remembrance because of its cosy atmosphere.
Besides, it all depends on who is the volunteer or hospitalero when you arrive at your albergue. And of course what the orientation (religious or non religious) is for that particular place.

All of you christians who know how to play an instrument and sing – watch the video and hopefully you will be inspired. Maybe you should just grab your guitar and work as hospitalero for two weeks. The el Camino is a Spritual Walk and there are many empty or lost souls out there. They are thirsty and they are hungry. Out duty is to feed them. Through speech, prayer, singing/music and reading/sharing the Word.
“- Feed my sheep”, Jesus said to Petrus.

Back to the Pilgrim House Social Center, located in Santiago de Compostela which is at the end destination of el Camino. This is what they write;

It is a simple fact that one’s life and soul require attention, attention that is oftentimes lacking, and because of this, the Camino frequently happens to be so much more than a simple walk through Spain.
The extended time away from routines and distractions allows the “stuff” of life to finally get our attention.
And all of this “stuff” necessitates time and space to sort out. It is exactly this “time and space” that we offer.
The Welcome Center is not only a place for weary pilgrims to find respite from their travels, but more importantly, a place to find the space needed to sit with whatever is stirring in their hearts.

Though our focus is on the personal internal journey of the Camino, we offer a number of services to help make your transition back home easier and less distracting.
As communal space to visit and catch up with fellow pilgrims, a quiet space for meditation, reading, journaling, praying and scheduled meditation services.

We believe at the heart of our own journeys and pilgrimages is the love of the Creator.
He is the originator and essence of rich living and deeper connection. It is through the mystery of Jesus Christ that we are continually finding that life is more; that it is deeper and wider and higher than we have imagined.
We know that there is redemption, we know there is hope and we know there is renewal.
We also know that it’s not found in ideas, philosophies, or theologies. It is only found in an actual personal relationship with the Creator. Yeah, we know the craziness of it all, but we also know the reality of it.

However, we are not here to convince you that we are right or that you need to see things our way. All pilgrims are welcome in Pilgrim House, we’re here to offer a helping hand and a listening ear along The Way.

I look forward to my destination Jerusalem, but before that, there is another last destination city and a resting place I like to visit.

UPDATE: Faith who is the woman managing the Pilgrim House, gave me this tip of a private albergue (hostal) in Villamayor de Monjardin (between the cities of Pamplona and Logroño): Oasis Trail
“To bring reli-travelers in touch with Jesus Messiah through establishing hospitable centers along pilgrims’ trails or at pilgrims’ sites, where passing pilgrims are warmly welcomed and where their physical and spirit needs are cared for.”
Watch: Oasis Trail introduction

So glad I found it x 2!

I go bananas (dehydrated )

Views: 321

Prior to my first el Camino in October 2016, I dehydrated some bananas as snacks. I thought it would be a great idea to have some nutrition handy.
Its very easy to do, so this is more for a visualization:
1. Cut the bananas about 0,5 cm thin. Too thick and they take too long to dry.
What you see is on the picture about 5 kg of bananas, or 30-35 pieces.

How to dry banana chips

2. Then into the oven at 60C (use fan if you can). Keep the door slightly open so all the moist can ventilate. Too high temperature and I think they will get burned/cooked.
They are ready when they feel dry, dont have to be completely dried. I keep mine in the owen until their is no stickiness.
Sometimes it takes about 8 hours, sometimes longer. It all depends how thick/thin you cut the banana, and how soft/dry you want them to be.
At the end you can have the door closed because most of the moist is then gone.
When they are almost done, turn the chips over. Those who are dry, bring them out and leave the rest to dry. Eat the ones that never seem to dry 😉

Dry bananas in owen

3. Of 5 kg I ended up with 600 gram, almost 2 litres of dehydrated banana chips. They are so delicious and have a sweeter aroma, so bear in mind that you will have some “losses” …

How much dried bananas

Im not going to carry 600 gr of dried bananas on el Camino. Thats too much. But on the other hand, you dont want to be dry on bananas …
Some I will eat before I jump on the plane to Spain. Its nice to have some extra nutrition, especially after a long walk in the late afternoons, or in the mornings when you leave the albergues (pilgrim hostels) with an empty stomach.
A dried fruit weight much less. You can also bring apple or mango. I never experienced that my dried bananas went into mold. You should at least be able to save them for six months in a container in a dark place.
Buen Camino!